“You’ve got to be kidding me, right? You’re only giving me a knife to defend myself?” I yelled out to 24. “Well, it’s better than nothing, I can’t give you any guns until I get your systems back online. Why are you so worried anyway 8351 uses a weapon like that.” Replied 24 with a smirk. “Really now? He does? I hate you so much, you know he uses a six-foot-long dual-sided ultra-light fire sword. You just gave me the knife from your kitchen. It’s not the same thing!” I yelled back at him angrily.
You’re probably wondering at this point who am I, well I’m 88 the deadliest of my brothers despite what they may say about me. But at the moment, my Nannies need to be updated, which means my weapon systems are offline. And like the jerk he is 24 decided to give me a kitchen knife instead of giving me one of my guns, telling me how he can’t do the upgrade if I have any of my guns on me for 24 hours. The problem with that is I know he can just do the update in his lab, and it will only take a few minutes, but he wants to do it and upload it to me while I’m on a mission, so he can test his new remote update system.
Well, the mission better be an actual delivery like he said it was, or I’m going to make him pay when I’m done. A rift opened in front of me and out walked Ten Thousand, he must be here to send me to the planet that the delivery is on. I don’t get why he doesn’t do it himself, after all, he was a delivery boy before. But now he’s the big dog Ten Thousand, he’s too important to do the little mission. He and 24 always looked down on me thinking because I have a low rank, it means I’m not strong, they’re so full of themselves. “Hey 88, what are you doing sleeping over there.” Ten Thousand said with a laugh in his voice as he waved for me to walk into the rift. “Relax I’m going already.” I said as I walked over to the dark rift, I couldn’t help but wonder what was on the other side. I wasn’t use to using the rifts he made, and the few times before now that I did use one, I was able to see what was on the other side, but this time, all I could see was darkness.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot the package you will be delivering is not so much an object but more of a person you’re escorting to a safe place. I knew I forgot something important, I think that’s all though.” 24 said, then pushed me into the rift. “Wait, she’s a princess…” Was the last words I heard from 24 as I fell through the rift.
I knew it. That jerk always has something important that he doesn’t tell us until the very last second. I mean come on for a guy with the brain the size of a planet, it’s like he doesn’t even have one… My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I realized where I was, or rather where I wasn’t…
That was the ground way over there, no wonder I didn’t see anything before. God only knows how high up I am. All I see below me is what I’m hoping is water. I fell faster and faster, and the closer I got to what I thought was water, the more I got a sinking feeling that it wasn’t even liquid. About a minute passed, and I was now a few hundred feet from the surface, and I figured out what I was falling towards. Well, I don’t exactly know its name, but I like to call it soft ground because even though it’s as solid as a rock, it bends and warps like water but stays in one piece. And therein lays the problem. When you hit it, it still hurts like hell.
I hit the ground like a brick, and sunk into it quickly going down about fifteen feet, before I was shot back up as the area I hit equalized itself with the ground around it. I flew out of the ground into the air, then came back down, landing flat on my face. “I hate you guys, you’re all horrible!” I yelled out as I pulled my face out of the ground. I fixed my cloak and looked around to see where this princess I was to escort was, and just as I expected, there was no one for miles. Which wouldn’t be a problem for most of my other brothers, but unfortunately for me, I couldn’t fly! “I am not walking! You better get her here, or I’m just going to sit here till it’s too late. I know you hear me 24, so don’t act like you don’t.” I yelled into the air while shaking my hands at the sky.
“Oh, quit your whining already, I know you’re not going to go looking for her I wouldn’t expect you to be able to find her anyway. She will be flying over here soon, so just wait, and you’ll see her transport in a few minutes.” His voice played in my ear, which is so creepy. I sat down on the ground, looking around for her transport, and after about half an hour, I was fast asleep.
I felt something wet on my face… I woke up to a small face in front of me, blurred by something wet. Then it hit me. There’s someone drooling on my face! I jumped up, wiping at my face frantically. “Hello, my name is Coco, and I’m five years old, and it’s very nice to meet you. My mommy said you’re taking me to the kingdom of the fallen to get married.” Said the small voice of this little girl.
I looked at her in her pink dress and thought about what she had just said for a minute or two before what she had just said really set in. I guess they are starting young these days, but wow, getting married at the age of five is just pushing it. Eh, it wasn’t my place to judge them it was just my job to keep this little girl safe, which couldn’t be that hard. I shouldn’t even need this kitchen knife 24 thinks can hurt anyone.
I took her little hand and shook it as she smiled away as if she was the luckiest girl in the world. Whatever she had in mind must be the greatest thing in the world, but it sure wasn’t what was in store for her. Oh well, I thought as I picked her up and threw her on my shoulders to sit, maybe I’ll try and make her trip as fun as possible before she has to get married to some random guy she’s never meet.
“So, we are going to be headed to the north side of the planet, into the neighboring ruler’s territory, is that correct little one.” I said to her, looking around trying to figure out which way was north. “Yes, you have to get me there in a few hours, my transport will be getting here soon so we will be able to ride in that. It’s very fast and fun to ride in. I think you will have fun, I always do.” She replied to me, catching me off guard by the fact that she knew more than I did about what was going to be happening. Which made me wonder why she needed me as her guard and not one of the people in her kingdom, seeing that they’re already transporting her there. I smiled at her, looking around to see where the transport would be coming from. “We march that-a-way.” She said, pointing to the left of me. I looked to where she was pointing then headed in that direction, after all, I was trying to keep her as happy as possible, not to mention being clueless about everything on this planet.
I was walking, carrying her for about ten minutes when I heard the sound of a vehicle coming up from behind us, it was moving quickly as if it was trying to catch us off guard. It flew up next to us and stopped suddenly. I was a bit surprised by its design, it looks very similar to the old Earth car that they used before teleporters were invented, but it was much longer, and it was bright pink. For some odd reason pink was a symbol of power and strength on this planet and only this planet. The doors opened, and I put her in and then got in myself. It took off flying just above the ground and moving at a high speed in a direction I could only guess was north. I looked down at her, and she was just having the time of her life bouncing up and down on the chair.
To be Continued in loaded Part 3
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